Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
On This Day When You Think You Have Made a Decision for the Good of Your Country, You Have Put Back in Place What Is Destroying You
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on July 7, 2024

Word of Jesus Christ:
"With you My tender daughter of Love of Light and Holiness and in The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit I bless all My children trapped in the turmoil of the times of a disturbed world that deprives itself of God and runs to decay, despising the fact that all God's children are destined for Holiness, Light and Love for eternity.
On this day of disappointment in the hearts of many French people, be blessed My children. All these chain events are asking for your help and discouraging you. You can no longer ignore them, bypass them or push them away by wanting to believe that they don't concern you.
Alas, My beloved ones, the harsh reality you have chosen does not leave you in peace. Learn to hear and listen to My voice and you will find serenity again.
Draw near to Me, your God and walk with Me. I am waiting for you. The End Times, in which you are, will not happen without your collaboration. It's about your eternal happiness, grasp it now.
Informed by the mystics, among you, spreading the advice and prophecies coming from God and confirming the Biblical prophecies, you have had ample time to prepare yourselves and better understand God's call made for you French people privileged and gratified by the Presence of the Sacred Heart and the Virgin Mary installed in your country.
The storm announced, which is raging in all spheres of your life on earth and relative to your behaviors, is necessary and purifying for you and the whole world.
The times are over and all is accomplished, be ready to welcome the retribution that belongs to you individually. I AM magnanimous God, you still have time to come to Me, lay down your repentance and seek My Mercy and graces for yourselves, for all yours and the world.
Recognize your brothers among you who remain steadfast in their faith and pray in order to save France and her wayward children suffering from the worst leprosy. Yes, the soul of France is sick. It chooses death and submits to destruction. The French, discuss their sad fate, but passively admit no supernatural means that belong to them and can save her.
What is this resignation, this submission in favor of the works of evil? Stand up straight, solicit the Holy Spirit, all the Angels and Saints who have always preserved your Lives, your country, your heritage. Heaven has made your people sacred and consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
We, Mary and Jesus, come to hold your faithful hand and walk with each of you along the path back to the Father. We will speak to your heart so that Mercy may be fulfilled in you, which will set you free, according to your good will. Then you'll bring your newfound peace to all your people, so that together with them you'll reconstitute a people happy and unified in God.
Everything is possible when you ask: "Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven", and, "Deliver us from evil, Lord God of all Life".
To be delivered from evil, My so dear to My Sacred Heart, you must be humble and accept lucidity about the state of your soul and the tribulations you are experiencing in order to obtain solidity and solidarity to confront the adversity set before you; you must be sincere and admit the errors imposed and your own errors accepted; you must repent and walk henceforth in Truth and Goodness that come only from God Almighty, Gentle and Humble of Heart.
I have taken and am taking the first steps, I bend towards you and stretch out My Hand that desires to lift you up. Answer My call by raising your eyes to Me and communing in body, soul and spirit with the One who saves you.
On this day when you believe you have made a decision for the good of your country, you have put back in place what destroys you by adding to it, multiplying, rage and disorder that further threaten your lives and Your Eternal Life.
In your weariness and incomprehension of the manipulations of which you are victims, you have gradually abandoned your own and collective responsibilities concerning your life, your rights and privileges to be dignified, simply but totally happy.
See the outcome of this tumultuous path, proposed and accepted, on which you have embarked. Know and see that it is a false road built in darkness with no return.
I beseech you, My children created for Love and happiness, turn to The Light, It will carry you, there is still time.
I, God, have spoken to you
Open your hearts
Flee from false speech
that blinds and poisons.
You are children of
Living God, Eternal Love."
Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God
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